Links to Papers and Book Chapters
NOTE: IAEM and NATO publications require a subscription or the purchase of the book.
- Swanson, S. 2019. Oil Sands Monitoring Program: Integration Workshop Reports (Part 1 of 2). OSM Technical Report Series No. 7(1).
- Swanson, S. 2019. Oil Sands Monitoring Program: Recommendation Report (Part 2 of 2). OSM Technical Report Series No. 7(2).
- Swanson, S. 2019. Review of the release of radioactive material from the Rio Tinto/QM mine, Madagascar. Report Commissioned by the Andrew Lees Trust (ALT UK).
- Swanson, S. 2011. What type of lake do we want? Stakeholder engagement in planning for beneficial end uses of pit lakes. In Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management, C.D. McCullough (Ed.). 29-42. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth.
- Ruth Hull and Stella Swanson. Sequential Analysis of Lines of Evidence—An Advanced Weight-of-Evidence Approach for Ecological Risk Assessment Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2: 302-311
- Stella Swanson. 2007. A process for focusing cleanup actions at contaminated sites: lessons learned from remote northern sites in Canada. Pp201-214. In: Strategies to Enhance Environmental Security in Transition Countries. NATO Security through Science Series – C: Environmental Security. Edited by Ruth N. Hull, Constantin-Horia Barbu and Nadezhda Goncharova. Springer, The Netherlands.
- Water Environment Research Foundation Reports on Multiple stressors.
Stella Swanson et al. 2006. Multiple Stressors: Risk-Based Framework and Experimental Design for Cause/Effect Relationships. Water Environment Research Foundation. - Stella Swanson et al. 2006. Multiple stressors: Literature Review and Gap Analaysis.
Water Environment Research Foundation.
Other links of interest:
- The Elk River Cumulative Effects Management Framework website. This website provides information about the Elk Valley CEMF. The website contains materials developed by Jason and Stella in support of the continuing implementation of the framework.
- The Elk River Alliance website in turn, provides many relevant links; e.g., to the Community-Based Water Quality Monitoring Report. Stella is Chair of the Board of Directors of the Elk River Alliance.
- The Columbia Basin Watershed Network
- Teck Cominco Ecological Risk Assessment. Stella Swanson directed the Aquatic portion of the risk assessment and was a senior reviewer/advisor for the terrestrial portion.
- Newsletter regarding the Sudbury Soils Study with Question/Answer article on ecological risk assessment featuring answers provided by Stella Swanson